Samstag, 16. August 2014

Last day - this is really Crazy!

Hi everyone!

For those of you who are on exchange may know that feel: all your friends say good bye and your familie starts to realize ist just know...this feeling that you have is a feeling that is really are happy to go on exchange but you are also sad when you see e.g. your grandparents the last time and you know you will miss them! 
This was the last night at home, last time with my dog, my cat, my parents. But I won't be sad because I am going on exchange and it will be a great year and I don't want that my friends are sad! 

Today we will go to Frankfurt by car,
And tomorrow I will fly to the United States of America! I'm really excited!

So for a first, have a good day u all! 

2 Kommentare:

  1. Ich wünsche dir alles Gute, halte uns auf diesem Blog auf dem Laufenden und genieße das Jahr einfach!
