Samstag, 16. August 2014

Last day - this is really Crazy!

Hi everyone!

For those of you who are on exchange may know that feel: all your friends say good bye and your familie starts to realize ist just know...this feeling that you have is a feeling that is really are happy to go on exchange but you are also sad when you see e.g. your grandparents the last time and you know you will miss them! 
This was the last night at home, last time with my dog, my cat, my parents. But I won't be sad because I am going on exchange and it will be a great year and I don't want that my friends are sad! 

Today we will go to Frankfurt by car,
And tomorrow I will fly to the United States of America! I'm really excited!

So for a first, have a good day u all! 

Sonntag, 3. August 2014

2 weeks left - last 14 days in Germany

In the last days or weeks until my exchange year I just start to realize it now...

On the one hand it is nearly  impossible to see all my friends in Germany during this year and when I'm back I will change school so these days might be the last days with some friends for a long time. That ist really something that makes me sad and I really start to miss them just now... 

On the other hand it will be a very great year of my life and maybe the best of my life! So don't look back with tears in your eyes look forward to this special time if your life and try to make the best out of it! One of these things is to have as much fun as you can! An other thing is trying to stay with my friends in contact after my return! But if this doesn't work I can say: Guys it was a very nice time and I hope that we all will stand in contact when I'm back! 

So to put it all in a nutshell: Yes of course I will miss you and it will be a hard and difficult time but it will also be the greatest time of my life - hopefully. 

So for today stop being sad and have fun! 

Yours Marek